

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

August Adventures

Obviously I'm trying to catch up on my blogs before Lyla's birthday party so here goes...
I love my husband! Recently we haven't taken too many pictures together because we are always taking them of our super cute little girl, but I realized I need more picture of us! Love this man!

Chick-fil-A Appreciation day! We love us some Truett and Chick-fil-A! Had fun with Brit and some folks from West Hills. So proud of Chick-fil-A and everything it stands for. Love me some cookies parfait!

Christian came and stayed with me while Kyle was out of town! Love her so much. We went and saw the new Bourne movie, which was pretty good. We made some hot chocolate when we got home and watch our favorite movie Harry Potter!

Andrew started his new school! Such a big boy! He loved the Popsicle party at the end of the day!

We picked Uncle Thad up from school! It was so funny seeing Lyla in the school halls. She was just so little and cute. It's hard to believe she will be there in less than 5 years. She loved waving at all the kids and tried getting in line with one class.

We got to watch these cute kidos for a couple days in August. Charlotte is so still and quiet, totally opposite of her big brother :). We had fun at the playground too. It was Lyla's first time on a swing and she LOVED it!

This big girl turned 11 months old! Can't believe it! She is starting to climb on her bumpers. Only time will tell how long that crib will hold this wild woman!

We celebrated Jessica's new addition! Callie Joy will be here soon! Mid October Caleb will have a little sister!

Out to eat for Kyle's 26th birthday.

Yes Justin is the photo creeper lol but it actually turned out to be a cute picture
Notice Kyle and Justin weird faces. REALLY? never fails.

More friends celebrating Kyle's birthday!

Stone Mountain with friends for Kristen's birthday! Such a fun time. Can't believe Lyla stayed awake that long!
That's half of August uploaded, I know it feels like a blur. It seems like my life has felt that was lately. It is so easy to get so busy you forget about family, friends, and even God. Mom always says "busy means, Being Under Satan's Yolk". Yes cheesy as it may be, it is so true. Sometimes we just have to take a minute, take a deep breath, and enjoy the moments! It is so easy to put off quality quiet time with God. We think, oh Ill read tonight, or well I have church Wednesday so its OK. I can not tell you how much easier and more joyful my days are when I am in God's word. Yes it is sooooo much easier said than done, and sometime I think, "Jessica you know its easier with God, why are you trying to do this without him and on your own?" The answer is, we just get too busy. It is so important to love on your family, send encouraging notes to your friends, and spend quality time with the Creator!

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