

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Hanes Family

Fun Impromptu Photo Shoot With The Hanes Family

We had such a fun photoshoot! Sawyer is moving everywhere so it was hard to get a still shot of him but Rhett was all into the poses lol.
I love this family. These boys are so precious and so funny. I got to be in the delivery room when Rhett was born (right) and I have learned so much from Brittany on how to be a Godly wife and mother. Sawer(left) was born 2 months before Lyla so Brit and I got to be prego together! It was so much fun! Brittany is one of those people who are real in everything she says and does. She doesn't necessarily put on a happy face to please people, but she is always smiling because of her hope in Jesus. Her words are either wise or funny! Her actions are always self-sacrificing. And her heart is a heart after God and her family. I know that her getting married first and having a baby first was one of God's gifts to me. I have learned so much from her and her family. So blessed to call her friend!


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