

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Girls Trip 2012

Girls Trip ~ Fancy 2012!
Lots of good food!
TIE-DYE shirts yes please!

We went running (well katie, me, steph, and brit) while the other two early birds slept :)

We totally went out and did Karaoke!
And we had a few rain issues with our luggage!
We did our beach photo shoot again. Which is always fun!

Such a fun fun fun trip! This is our second year in a row going to Florida for a much needed girls get away weekend. This year Stephanie did a friendship bible study for us. First let me say that she is gifted in this area and I am so glad that she took the time out of her busy life to plan this special time for each of us to study God's word. It revealed a lot to me about friendship and how blessed I am to have so many good friends in my life.
This was the first time for me ever being away from Lyla. Yes it was July and I still hadn't been apart from her. It was hard leaving her, but once we got going and got down there, we had a great time. The drive home was the hard part because it was such a long drive and I just wanted to see her! All the girls helped me though! It was a good break. Being a mom is hard work, and not that i don't love every minute with Lyla, but it is good to have a break now and again to stay sane :)
I love these girls!
(right to left)Ashley is my fun laughing friend who I can always talk to about anything. Katie is my sweet heart who is so much like me (I wonder who is more competitive :)). April is my sister and BFF. Brit is my inspiration and fun time. Steph is my encourager and "real" friend who I seek Godly advice from.
All of thee girls are amazing Godly women who I seek advice from and who encourage me! They all have qualities I admire and I love each of their hearts. It is amazing how God puts certain people in or lives and some of those people come and go, but I know that each of these girls will always be in my life!
Can't wait until next year!

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